This page will help you get started with ZMP APIs using the LIVE ID Graph

ZMP APIs using LIVE ID Graph

To utilize the LIVE ID Graph, please first consult with your account representative, these functionalities must be enabled and configured before use.

The Live ID Graph allows additional identifiers to be associated to a given ZMP profile, these will be additional unique identifiers beyond the existing bsin and user_id that all profiles will have.

Identifiers must be configured by Zeta in order to be used in the unique_client_ids object within this call.

There are multiple scenarios that can be used, please see examples below:

  1. associate additional identifier(s) to an existing profile, or create a new profile with a user_id and add identifiers to it. below we will create a user with ZMP user_id of 10001 and associate the person_id of A1234 to it
  2. merge profiles using ZMP user_id and an additional identifier. if we assume the above record was created and we also have a profile with user_id of 10002 we can merge those profiles with a similar call - in this example we are telling ZMP that we know user_id::10002 is the same person as person_id::A1234 and thus will merge those profiles using the user_id as the core profile and the unique_client_id as the duplicate
  3. we can also do lookups and updates using the identify call using only a unique_client_id which can be useful if some source system only has one identifier and needs to take further down stream action
  4. if configured, we can also generate a ZMP user_id for a record for a call made with no user_id (or uid) declared, this will be a uuid similar to bsin but the value is NOT a bsin

Currently supported endpoints

  1. Identify a person - this endpoint will allow you to create a profile and associate an additional ID to it, or - if configured - create a ZMP profile with only an additional ID. This endpoint will also merge users if you provide a ZMP identifier and a unique_client_id which resolve to different profiles. Note that you can provide multiple unique_client_id name/value pairs in a single call.
  2. Track an event - this endpoint will create an event using a unique_client_id if provided. Note that if you provide a ZMP identifier and a unique_client_id we will not merge the profiles and the unique_client_id value will be ignored.
  3. Delete identifiers - this endpoint will allow removal of a specific identifier name/value pair from a profile
  4. Delete contact - this endpoint will allow removal of a specific contact from a profile using unique_client_id

Javascript Support

As with the API support, please first ensure that your account is configured to use the LIVE ID Graph functionality.

The LIVE ID Graph is supported in the following places inside the ZMP Javascript

  1. Track an event - this will create an event using a unique_client_id if provided
  2. Update user - this will allow you to create a profile with both unique_client_id and ZMP identifier, update a profile using only unique_client_id or, if configured, create a profile with just a unique_client_id