Check Segment Membership

Checks if a user is a member of a segment in the system.

bt('isMemberOf', options, callback)


This function checks if a user is a member of a segment in the system. The function takes two parameters:

  1. options: An object that contains information about the segment to check. It has a property, id which is the ID of the segment, or name which is the name of the segment.
  2. callback: A function that will be called once the function has completed its execution. This function takes one parameter, status, which is a boolean indicating if the user is a member of the segment or not.
## Example
bt('isMemberOf', {id: 12345}, {onSuccess: (status) => console.log(status)})


The output will be logged to the console, either true or false, indicating if the user is a member of the segment with the specified ID.

## Example
bt('isMemberOf',{name: 'Active'}, {onSuccess: (status) => console.log(status)})


The output will be logged to the console, either true or false, indicating if the user is a member of the segment with the specified name.