JUMP TODocumentationGetting Started with Zeta APIsZeta JavaScript LibraryGetting StartedTrack an EventClear Session IdentityUpdate UserGet a User's Segment MembershipCheck Segment MembershipZeta REST APIAuthorization APIpostDelete a PersonpostStatus of Delete a PersongetFind a PersongetGet Recent Events for a PersongetIdentify a PersonpostLook up Person by ContactgetMerge PeoplepostDelete Contact from ProfiledeleteResend an EmailpostTrack an EventpostTrack an Event with IdentifygetTrack an Event with ContactsgetUnsubscribe a Person's Contact by message_uidpostUnsubscribe a Person's Contact by contact value & typepostView Previously Sent EmailgetAdd or Remove People from Audience Lists (Bulk)postCAMPAIGN REST APICreate Broadcast Campaign API (Email/SMS)postUpdate Broadcast Campaign API (Email/SMS)patchGet Broadcast Campaign API (Email/SMS)get(deprecated) Create Email CampaignpostAsset UploadpostGet Campaign Content by Campaign IDgetGet Campaign Content by Campaign NamegetUpdate Campaign Content by Campaign IDpatchUpdate Campaign Content by Campaign NamepatchSend API-Broadcast CampaignpostSend Campaign Proof (Email)postCONTENT SNIPPET REST APICreate a SnippetpostDelete a SnippetdeleteDelete a Snippet by namedeleteGet a List of SnippetsgetGet a Snippet by namegetGet a Snippet by Snippet IDgetUpdate a SnippetpatchUpdate a Snippet by namepatchCONTENT TEMPLATE REST APICreate a TemplatepostDelete a TemplatedeleteDelete a Template by namedeleteGet a List of TemplatesgetGet a Template by NamegetGet a Template by Template IDgetUpdate a TemplatepatchUpdate a Template by namepatchResources REST APICreate or Update ResourceputGet Resource FieldsgetGet Resource CountgetGet Resource TypesgetGet Specific ResourcegetUpdate ResourcepatchDelete ResourcedeleteGet list of ResourcespostBATCHTrack an Event (batch)postIdentify a Person (batch)postLive id GraphLIVE ID GraphLIVE ID Graph: Identify a PersonpostLIVE ID Graph: Track an EventpostLIVE ID Graph: Delete IdentifierspostLIVE ID Graph: Delete Contact from ProfiledeleteServer-Side Integration REST APIAuthorization APIpostRecommendations (Basic)getRecommendations (Advanced)postGet an Identifier for a PersonpostAlternative Item Recommendations (Basic)getWebsite In-Page Campaign APIgetZeta DSP APIGetting StartedGet DSP campaign reportingpostGet schema for DSP campaign reportinggetZMP AuthGetting Started With Your APIPowered by Get Resource Fieldsget https://resources.api.boomtrain.com/resources/fields/{site_id}Returns all resources fields across all known resources.